P900 1.22

P900 version 1.22 is a maintenance release that includes the following: Fixed mono voice allocation (only last note release should trigger note on) Fixed license validation failure in Reaper Download link

P900 1.21

P900 version 1.21 is a maintenance release that includes the following: Keyboard focus no longer blocks Logic Pro short cuts. P937 Sequential Controller Reset input now works as expected. Adds MIDI Learn “Clear All” and “Factory Init” menus. The latter initializes the MIDI control mappings to the original MIDI spec. Download link

P900 1.2

P900 version 1.2 is a maintenance release, and includes the following: Fixed velocity for legato mode. No longer fixed to 100. Removed automatic license dialog pop up. This could cause a total lock up on some systems. Now it’s necessary to manually bring up the license dialog to activate a license. Added tiny randomisation to […]